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Train To Tenom

Tenom is a small town located in the interior division of Sabah, popular for its coffee and Padas white water rafting. Situated 140 km from Kota Kinabalu, it takes 2 and a half hour of driving via Kimanis route, and almost a whole day to reach there via train.

I finally had the opportunity to ride on the Sabah train going to Tenom and stay in the small quiet town of Tenom for 3 days. The adventure starts from Tanjung Aru railway station, where we arrived there around 7.15 am and bought our one way ticket to Beaufort. It cost RM4.80 per person for adult, and half price for children. The journey take around 2 hours with multiple stops along the way. The train departed Tanjung Aru railway station at 7.45am reached Beaufort at 9.55am.

The train are spacious, comfortable and well equipped with aircond, compared to the other train which are older and less comfortable. From a traveller's perspective however, I preffered the older train, You can read my entry about the old train going to Beaufort here. 

We reached Beaufort at 9.55am and head to the nearby shoplot to grab some breakfast.

 I love their glass. You can see its an old design from years before. Even the glass were made on the same year I was born, which makes it 26 years of age !

 There is a chinese restaurant located beside the basketball court at the chinese school in the town. I order a mee goreng campur (Mixed fried noodle). The noodles used are the local Mee Beaufort, a noodle produced in their own town. Despite the simple look, it is actually very tasty !

After breakfast, we wander around the small town. Its a small town which can be covered by foots within less than an hour.

The train to Tenom depart at 1.30 pm. A ticket from Beaufort from Tenom cost RM2.75 per person for adults and half for children. A friend told me that since the day it operate, the train only raised its fare one time and operate without taking any profit at all.

The train is the main mode of transportation which connects few villages in the interior of Tenom. Their daily life depends on the train. School kids take the train to school, and some days where the train are not working, they will have to walk to school for more than an hour, and one some days where the train see the school kids walking home from school, the train driver will stop at the middle of the railway and let the kids in. The train conductor will walk around collecting fare, and if the passengers doesn't have any money, they won't force them to pay.

There are two train departing from Beaufort to Halogilat station, and from Halogilat station, we move to another train going to Tenom.

The train ride are without doubt, very uncomfortable, bumpy and tiring - Its not something you want to ride on everyday. Unfortunately, for most of the local here, they have no choice as it is the only mode of transportation for them. Its a normal scene to see people carrying a lot of bags and luggage, box and groceries and even animals on the train. According to the train conductor, the train condition has been like that since he started working 25 years ago with no improvement at all.

We reached Tenom town at 4pm, check in to our hotel which is located very near to the train station. Tenom is a small town which can be covered with foot within half an hour. Most of the local shop close early, with exception to some Supermarket and 24 hours convenience store. There's KFC nearby our hotel, and one ATM machine downstair.

We went out for dinner at 8 pm and go back to the hotel afterwards.

Sunday in Tenom is the merriest day of the week, as the local tamu happens every sunday.

It was the peak season for local fruits, durian were sold as cheap as RM4 per kg.

We have breakfast at one of the stall located at the first floor of the wet market. One of the specialty food in Tenom is white tauhu and chung kien (Not sure if I spell it right, but thats how it sounds like). Also, grab a cup of coffee, Tenom has the best coffee and they produce their own local kopi Tenom.

When you're in Tenom, don't forget to make a visit to Lagud Seberang, also known as Taman Pertanian Tenom or Botanical Garden Tenom. There are thousands of rare species of plants and flowers kept here.

Taman Pertanian Tenom, or also known as Lagud Seberang by the local.

Chinese inspired zen garden.

Cactus garden.

One of the hundred of orchids in Taman Pertanian Tenom.

We take an early train back from Tenom to Beaufort as early as 7.30 am on monday, and reach Beaufort around 10.00 am. 

Not all heroes wear capes. The train driver and attendance.

Another train of the day going from Beaufort to Tg. Aru railway station.

Overall, travelling from Tg. Aru to Tenom take 3 train, from Tg. Aru to Beaufort station, Beaufort station to Halogilat station and Halogilat to Tenom station. You only need to buy 2 ticket though, which cost RM4.80 and RM2.75 respectively. The from Tg. Aru started at 7.45 am and arrived Beaufort at 10 am, and continue at 1.30pm from Beaufort and arrived at  4 pm in Tenom.

It was a very tiring and eye opening experience. 

One important lesson I learn from the journey is that, poverty and lack of resources doesn't stop people from living and chasing their dreams, and that their hardship teach them to be humble and gracious.

That's all for Tenom, till next time !

You can check another post related to this post here:

