Tenom is a small town located in the interior division of Sabah, popular for its coffee and Padas white water rafting. Situated 140 km from Kota Kinabalu, it takes 2 and a half hour of driving via Kimanis route, and almost a whole day to reach there via train. I finally had the opportunity to ride on the Sabah train going to Tenom and stay in the small quiet town of Tenom for 3 days. The adventure starts from Tanjung Aru railway station, where we arrived there around 7.15 am and bought our one way ticket to Beaufort. It cost RM4.80 per person for adult, and half price for children. The journey take around 2 hours with multiple stops along the way. The train departed Tanjung Aru railway station at 7.45am reached Beaufort at 9.55am. The train are spacious, comfortable and well equipped with aircond, compared to the other train which are older and less comfortable. From a traveller's perspective however, I preffered the older train, You can read my entry about the old train going ...
Escape the ordinary. Adventure like a local.